Touha Zohair


Full Stack Web Developer

I craft modern TypeScript web apps with Nextjs and other React frameworks. I also develop scalable, performant backends and APIs in Nodejs or compatible JavaScript runtimes.

Need assistance or want to start a project? Mail me at

My Projects

Nexjs Starter Template for Authentication & Stripe Integration
Nexjs Starter Template for Authentication & Stripe Integration
This is a Next.js starter template with authentication implemented using Lucia. Also includes drizzle, trpc, stripe, shadcn-ui and react-email.
Innomarkt Chat
Innomarkt Chat
Add customer support / live chat feature (with file sending) in any website using web components. Respond to queries from visitors in real time using websocket.
TurborepoReactexpresslit elementtailwindcsssocket.ioprisma
TEDxRUET official website
TEDxRUET official website
Official website for TEDxRUET that includes upcoming and past events, blog articles, speakers, team members, and more. Used as headless CMS.
nextjstailwindcsssanity io
Multiply AI - B2B Website
Multiply AI - B2B Website
An static website for Multiply AI B2B business built with GatsbyJs and Tailwind CSS.
GatsbyJsTailwind CSS
Gadget Era - Ecommerce Website
Gadget Era - Ecommerce Website
A full stack ecommerce website built with Nextjs and Pocketbase
NextjsTailwind CSSReact QueryPocketbase
View all projects

My Posts

Optimizing Array Search in JavaScript: Using "Set" for Efficient Lookups
Oct 2, 2024 5 min read
Traditional array methods can be slow as data grows, but by using the Set data structure, we can significantly improve performance, making your code faster and more scalable for handling large datasets.
Create T3 App + Lucia - Simple email password Authentication for Nextjs
Dec 27, 2023 2 min read
Implement email+password authentication in your nextjs app with lucia, A more flexible alternative to NextAuth.js
TypeScript type that converts string to number
Dec 15, 2023 5 min read
I found a handy way to convert string to number in TypeScript while solving a Advent of Typescript challenge.
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Contact Me

Touha Zohair Touha Zohair
Touha Zohair on Fiverr
Full Stack Web Developer
5.0 rating (75+ projects completed)

Made with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel.